Willkommen ... welcome ... willkommen

Gerd Burger wurde 1953 in der Donaustadt Regensburg geboren.
Auslandsjahr in den USA, High-School-Diplom, Abitur am humanistischen Gymnasium. Studium der Nordamerikanistik, Theaterwissenschaft und Soziologie an der FU Berlin und der Universität Bremen. Abschlüsse: Diplomsoziologe (FU Berlin) sowie M.A. und Dr. phil. in Amerikanistik (FU Berlin; Universität Bremen; Dissertation über politisches Theater in den USA).

Acht Jahre Lehrbeauftragter und wiss. Mitarbeiter am John-F.-Kennedy-Institut der FU Berlin; Stipendium der Übersetzerwerkstatt am Literarischen Colloquium Berlin, seither vor allem als literarischer Übersetzer tätig.
2013 Aufenthalt im VCCA - Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

Gerd Burger:
born in 1953 in Regensburg/Ratisbon (a UNESCO world cultural heritage town) on the northernmost point of the Danube. Foreign exchange student with AFS in Pennsylvania. High School diploma and Abitur, university in Berlin and Bremen. Diplom-degree in sociology, M.A. in American Studies plus Dr. phil. (Ph.D.) in American Studies.

First lecturer and assistant professor at the John-F-Kennedy-Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin, then a scholarship for the Translators' Workshop of the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and free-lance literary translatingever since.

Translations of novels and short-stories for publishers like Rowohlt, Wagenbach, Haffmans, Goldmann, Heyne, Random House etc., also a number of non-fiction books on US-history, US-foreign policy, literary theory, opera, publishing, the Nuremberg Trials, African cinema, Chinese art etc. for Rowohlt, Westermann, Wagenbach, Junius, Prestel, Steidl ...

Many translations of essays and articles on social history, humanities and travel for magazines or newspapers like GEO, Merian, Frankfurter Rundschau, Zeit, NZZ. Interviews with authors for »Schreibheft: Zeitschrift für Literatur«, texts on philosophy and social affairs for the magazine Freibeuter. Exhibition catalogues for the Goethe Institut and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin.Various articles on Danube cable-ferries, Danube monasteries and museums published in the magazine »lichtung, Ostbayerisches Magazin«.

Co-editor of the Reise-Lese-Buch Regensburg (2008) plus editor/translator of various books on Nuremberg including Sig Ramler's autobiography about the Nuremberg Trials (From Nuremberg to Hawaii) and Peter Heigl's book The U.S. Army in Nuremberg on Hitler's Nazi Party Rally Grounds. editor of Danube: A River Journey (2016) Morsbach-Verlag Translator and sound-directorof about 90 documentary movies (BBC and US productions) for Discovery Channel and Spiegel TV.

Since 2005 I have researched, planned and guided tours to "Monasteries along the Danube", "Monasteries in the Bohemian Forest", "Monasteries in Western Bohemia", "Bavarian Treasure Trove Cities","Jewish Bavaria", "Monasteries in Regensburg" and "Jan Hus in Bohemia" (see www.boehmen-reisen.de)

Since 2007 lectures in English aboard cruise ships (Avalon, AMA, Viking) plus in German on cruises from Passau to the Danube delta. Recently I have added English tours of Regensburg and related destinies for the passengers of river cruises.